#1 TheRealWales's blog

Ok hey guys it's therealwales,

This is my first blog and i am having a comp. The winner wins 500 wooz so this is how you enter.

First take a pic of your self in your best clothes and call it therealwales and mail me saying look at my pics.

Ok have a look at this...

Beaver Fleming Sticker Contest

Hello Woozens!
In case you’ve been living under a rock, Beaver Fleming has made his debut in Woozworld!
Beaver Fleming is a pro-skateboarder that travels the world and enters skateboarding competitions. Knowing he travels the world, we (Beaver & your Woozband) have an amazing once-in-a-life-time competition for you to take part in!  We want you to design a Woozworld Sticker for Beaver Fleming to put on the bottom of his skateboard! We want to see a-mazing-ness! The top 10 entries will be selected by the Woozband and Beaver will choose the winner. The winning sticker will be created in sticker form and given to Beaver Fleming!
You can check out Beaver Fleming’s Skatepark Unitz to get some inspiration with your designs! :D

Contest Details

If you plan on entering the Beaver Fleming Sticker Contest, then read carefully for what to do:
  1. Create a sticker that meets the following criteria:
    • Your work MUST be ORIGINAL (If you are caught using work or part of any work that was not created by you, you will be disqualified and further actions may be taken.)
    • You can draw by hand or using a computer
    • Sticker must reflect Woozworld
    • Paper size must be 8 1/2 x 11 inches (regular printer paper) OR 8 x 8 inches (trimmed printer paper)
    • Design in the WHOLE space of the paper!
    • If you have text, make it BIG! (Small text won’t show up once in sticker form). Check yourspelling and grammar before submitting
    • Poster must be saved in .jpg, .png, or .gif format (choose when saving your file)
    • IMPORTANT: You MUST type or sign your name somewhere on your sticker to prove that your work is your own.
  2. Submit your sticker by attaching it to an email and sending it to: beaversticker@woozworld.com– Make sure to tell us your Woozen name so we know who it’s from!
  3. Stickers will be judged based on:
    • Creativity
    • Originality
    • Quality of Artwork
  4. To qualify, you must submit your entry before midnight on Friday, September 28th.
  5. Winners will be announced shortly after the due date.
Good luck!
Your Woozband & Beaver Fleming

wooz on,

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