Famous Woozens Interviews

Hey Guys, 
I promised that I would give you a interview with Clarinna, right? And that's why you're gonna get it right now! Sorry if it's a bit late because we were very busy and forgot about this interview. So here it goes:


 Natalya: What inspires you, Clarinna? And why does it inspire you?
 Clarinna: In real, my sister inspires me the most. She told me to never give up  in life and I love her. In Woozworld, it would be my friends. They are always here for me and I am happy to have them.
Natalya: Have you heard about the Anti - Bullying Campaign? What can you do about it? Since, you are a famous woozen.
Clarinna:  Yes, I did hear about the Anti-Bullying campaign. I don't really consider myself famous...xD but I would join it and try to make those bullies out there realize that bullying isnt worth it.
Natalya: Well, what can you say to the people who are tired of being bullied?
Clarinna: To all of the ones who are getting bullied, stay confident and positive. All bullies are insecure. That's why they bully. They want to gain confidence and power. So don't let them win and show them you are strong.
Natalya: What can you say to the woozens who are reading this interview right now?
Clarinna: All I can say is to never give up in what you dream to accomplish. And also, if you get bullied (in woozworld) block and report that person. Once its done, leave the unitz were the bully is immediately. Moderators will deal with him or her later. 

Thank You Clarinna! We really are inspired by your interview! We will NEVER forget YOU! Thanks!

Thanks Chanel for Letting me Interview You

QT: When did You Join wzw?
Chanel185: Almost Two years ago.

QT: Why Did you Join WW?
Chanel185: because I was bored and I was looking for girl games and I saw the woozworld icon

QT: What is your fav color and why is it your favorite?
Chanel185: Pink, because it's like the girly color and it's really cute

QT: Who is your Favorite animator?
Chanel185: Jennywooz, because she is kind and helpful to everyone :)

QT: if u had da power to change something about wzw what would it be?
Chanel185: Woozin there will be a delete button where you can delete rude comments on your wallz and most of all the hacking.

QT: what is the best thing on wzw?
Chanel185: I think friends and Clothes xD I like the Puffy skirts.

QT: what is your unforgettable moment on wzw? :))
Chanel185: when Jennywooz messaged me that she loved my designs and said that they will put it on woozworld!

QT: Who inspires you in making your collections or videos, or your designs and fashions?
Chanel185: My Mom (I forgot the rest of what she said o.O but I it was good (:  )


My Awesome Interview with Aeropostale

QT: When did u join wzw?
Aeropostale: About a year ago

QT: Why did u join wzw?
Aeropostale:  I was bored and it looked interesting xD

QT: How did u become famous?
Aeropostale: Idk I guess I'm friendly and stuff

QT: what's is ur fav color and why is it ur favorite? 
Aeropostale: Purple because it's pretty and fun and reminds me of plums.. 0.0

QT: who is ur favorite animator?
Aeropostale:  :PP Plush all the way!

QT: If u had the power to change something about wzw what would it be?
Aeropostale:  I would change the lag, and bring Mya's fashion show back.

QT: What is the best thing on Woozworld?
Aeropostale:  The best thing on Woozworld is ME! Jk jk baha umm meeting new friends, decorating unitz, and shopping xD

QT: What is your unforgettable moment on wzw?
Aeropostale: My unforgettable moment was meeting my boyfriend (: And dressing up like crazy people with my friends on new years eve and crashing parties :DD

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