The One And Only...Ems37

Hello guys i took an Interview with the one and only ..Ems37 :pp i know it was nata who was supposed to doo the interviews but i was really excited to do it soo i did it :pp

The Interview :

Me : What made you join ww ??
Ems37 : My friend , Neechee001 , she told me about it
Me : Do you feel nice that people know you , plus you popular ?
Ems37 : Well i know people know me LOL ,  so i guess you could say I'm popular XD 
Me : How is ww  ?? ( your opinion )
Ems37 : It's fine but i think it could do with some of the old contest's Mya's fashion show , video challenge etc..
Me : What do you think about bullying ?
Ems37 : It should totally stop !! no one likes it , it's stupid , It's not big to make others feel small
Me : What do you do in your free time ?
Ems37 : Hangout with friends ;)
Me : What do you love the most in ww ??
Ems37 : Hmm..again chatting with friends , but also I love hosting my fashion show on saturdays ;pp
Me : What's your fav game in ww ?
Ems37 : "Best Dressed" ( ofcourse )
Me : What advice would you like to give to our fellow woozens :))
Ems37 : Hmm.. whatever you want to do , you can do it ! as long as you believe... :DD
Me : Ty alot Ems37 , Take care :DD
Ems37 : Hehe :) Thanks

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