Okay, so it was Halloween night and every kid in town was trick or treating. But, except four friends, Roxy (Natalya), Meredith (Sydney) , Casey and Nikki. We hung out in my house thinking that trick or treating is too childish for us since we were already 14 years old. We think of something more epic to do and since Casey's house is next to a abandoned mansion, we decided to spend the night there. Since there were rumors that in that mansion, something happens in the 10th Halloween of the century. And since it was the 10th Halloween this time, we decided to take a challenge to find out if the legend was true. Nikki insists that it's just another legend to frighten people more in Halloween. But, the 3 of us wanted to test our bravery, so Nikki has no choice but to join us and prove she's right about it. We prepare for the challenge and suit up. We stood in the front gate of the haunted mansion. We were all shivering and nervous but, Nikki just sighs and walks up to the gate and opens it. We follow her through the path to the front steps of the main door. Nikki was about to open it when the door opened by itself. We all felt a presence of a very cold spirit. But we just keep ourselves together and enter the house. After sometime of walking and finding a perfect spot to sleep we settle our bags and we open the light on the house was haunted for sure. It had a gothic style and then after about an hour of talking and stories told the light flicker on and off. Every time the lights flicker one of us disappears. Leaving Nikki alone, since Nikki was the one who insisted the whole story wasn't real she started to freak out and loose it. She ran out of the mansion abandoning her friends who had disappeared into thin air. Her friends' screams were heard all around the house as she was running through the garden to reach the gate. She cried so hard and felt someone chasing after her. The air get's colder and colder as she runs. Until she reaches the front gate, but she can't open it. It seemed to be locked. She felt a cold hand on her shoulder then she turns around then....BOOOOOM!!! She blacked out, she woke u inside a very dark room hearing whispers around the room. Then lights go on and she saw her 3 friends who had bruises and scars all over their bodies , their clothes were wet with blood and they were lying on the cold ground. She cried and screamed for help but nobody came. She was stuck inside the house with her feet and arms locked in a chain for years. THE END. 

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