Try-Outs 4 My Movie!

Hey Guys! I'm Making a Movie!!...(=
I need some woozens.........
So first of all what's the movie Ol' About...
Theme is Mystery &  Horror....(I lUV Horrors ♥ xD )
and Here's the Story: 

On Christmas Eve on Green Hills (Neighborhood) the Johnsons Family was Having a Christmas Partay! all of the ppl who lived in Green Hills was Invited...So the Children of Mrs. and Mr. Johnsons was also Partaying XD...and the weird Moment is when Lyz (kid) saw a girl...a Girl in a Black Dress...she was Very Beautiful...she had long brown hair..and Lyz asked her siblings (Peter & Jake) "-Points at Girl- She seems Familiar"
Peter & Jake replied "Who, What '-'" Lyz: THAT GIRL! , Peter & Jake looked at each other and said " What?!"
Lyz said "you don't see her '0' "Peter replied: No, no, there's noone there..." Lyz was like : " O_O HUH " and Lyz also noticed the girl has no Shadow...O_O and suddenly a guest asked her "Can you take a pic of me here? :)" Lyz said "Of course! (:" so Lyz went to take the pic of her" the Guest suddenly Screamed and Died after the pic was taken...all of the Guests were scared and Panicking (or whatever chu call it '-') so Mr & Mrs. Johnson quickly called the emergency thingy and the emergency team thingy picked the guest and brought her to the hospital, Lyz, Jake and Peter looked at the camera of the Guest...... and they quickly showed it to d doctor and Police they swear there was noone with her when they took the Pic...
the pic showed the guest and the lady in black dress....O_O

What Happens Next??....I will give you the full story when You Got the Part...

So Characters:
Lyz is Me XD

Peter - smart, Nerdy Like, is a Vegan, 10 Years Old

Jake - Cool, Interesting, Likes Tacos Very Much...and 11 years old

Ghost, is a Girl, beautiful, must have a black dress, 

Guest who Dies :P - is a Girl and Stuff '.'

Other Guests - people who screams when d other guest Dies '-'

Nancy - Nice, Ghost Hunter

Anna - is Friends with the girl in black dress, anna is still ALIVE..! XD..Mysterious..Lives in d Old Village, Lives Alone

Extras - (If you dont get a part here is one for YUH! XD)

Idk...if im adding more...:))

To audition for a Role 
you have to go to this video on youtbe:

and Make a video of you acting the role you want...
if you don't have youtube message me 
and Do it like this
and I will watch you do it

Lots of Luv
~Syd ☺

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