My First Not That Short Story - The Bride

Hello Once Again Wonderers!! :P
so here is a short story I just made 

It was halloween once again in Greenhills, Everyone's favorite holiday. At School 5 Friends who is Harry, James, Lea, Hilary and Zella were hanging out in a classroom at there school...they were just alone..just chilling, talking and hanging out....and Harry was super exited for halloween and said to his friends, Hey Guys! want to hear a TRUE GHOST STORY?!, and his friends are like, Cool, Yeah, Okay, so harry told them, Okay, the story is The Bride of Greenhills and Lea quickly interrupted...saying, Woah, woah, woah, You tell that story every year Can I Just Tell it to them?!, and Harry said, No! I Will be the one to tell them...since only harry and Lea only knew that ghost story cause Hilary and James are new students in this school and Zella was the new student last year but she never heard of the story, so Lea just left the classroom all mad and stuff.. so James, Hilary and Zella were super exited to hear the ghost story so harry told them the story....Once upon a time in greenhills..actually it happened on 1997...said harry, at the church the bride was waiting for almost an hour at the church wondering if his groom would ever come and a few more mins. she is getting embarassed..everyone was staring at her..his groom never comed so  the bride just runned out of the church crying and angry! and all the guests pretty stared at her....a day later the bride found out that his groom married her sister...the Bride went all angry and angry and angry!!!!! she shouted like,ARGGGGGGGGGGGH!!! and Harry said, she was all like that But it's pretty hard To describe it!! and then 12:00 A.M. Midnight the bride...the bride...get the axe thing from her basement..and..and...and....Harry was kinda getting creeped at telling the story! so as James, Hilary and Zella! okay, and..and so the bride found the location of her groom and his girl so she sneak out there and went to bedroom ....walking real slow..aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddddd.....she KILLED THE GROOM AND HIS GIRL........okay, at 8:00 A.M. the police found out of the murder at midnight 0.0  0.0 0.0 "_" "_" "_" '_'
and the detective and police were investigating around the bedroom
and AH HAH! the police and detective ran to the bride's house and they were a little creeped out when they went to her bedroom...She was sitting on a rocking wearing her wedding dress...wearin
her veil..had a knife on her hand...had a small hankerchief and the hankerchief has something written on it in BLOOD saying "R.I.P."
and then she ran out the window and jumped and AAHHH ...Killed herself it happened a week ago before Halloween...It Has Become a legend..which police and detectives have been investigating since..1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012 and then Harry said, THE END, so that was the story of that bride actually Harry was more creeped out rather than James, Hilary and Zella! 0.0 ok and leaving Lea all angry cause Harry didn't let her tell the because of Lea's Anger she did something because yesterday she heard Harry and the rest of the friends will come to GreenHills Eternal Garden where the bride was Lea went to her closet and grab a dress it was pretty same as the dead bride's one so she wore it and said,Oh this gonna be the best Halloween ever!!!!, and she laughed all evil like, So on that night ...before the group of friends go to the cemetary, they prepared for things Lea spying on them and so on and on and on O_O okay, so Lea ran to the cemetary and harry, james, hilary and zella went to the cemetary at first they were super scared and wanted to go back but they actually just stayed on the cemetary and Hilary suggested,Umm...can we go inside that house?? so they just went in and Lea said to herself, Hahah! Perfect timing! harry peeked out on the window of the house and Lea putted a veil on and said,"My time to Shine ;D" she walked over the house acting like shes the ghost bride and she just walked around the house for hours waiting for the guys to come out..and Harry,James,Hilary and Zella is like gonna FrEaK OuT! and's 12:00 Midnight!! :O and Harry and james were the dudes so they had no choice XD they went out to get the ghost outta da way and yea but Lea or "The Pretend Bride"
was not there and Lea turned sround and she was!!!!!!!!......she started screaming and screaming and run into her friends and her friends saw her saying "Bride SURRENDER GO BACK TO HAVEN! STAY AWAY FROM ME AND MY FRIENDDS! :O" and Lea (Pretend Ghost) said..No Guys!! it me LEA!!!" GET JAMES HILARY AND ZELLA HERE -points behind- err..!! THERES THE REAL BRIDE THERE CHASING US!!!!! and they were all like..OHMAGAWD!!!! running outside the cemetary gate and screming like immature 14 Years Old.. and suddenly the gate closed and there mouths are open and they were like..WhAA..? >.<
and they had no choice but to confront there fears or whatever you call it...they take step by step going near the bride and..KABOOM!!
it was just Kylie >.< an Old friend of the 5  Kylie become angry at the 5 because Harry never let her tell the story>.< the 5 were all nearly give them a heart attack!! :O and the 4 forgive Lea but didn't forgive Kylie they brought Kylie over the house and ran outside and put a heavy stone on the door and Kylie can feel the soul of the bride...and Kylie peeked out on the window and...saw a BRIDE singing a wedding song..


Comment of What you think? ;)

1 comment:

  1. I was born in 1997. and that was a good thrill!!

    From AntiNitrogen, on
