Welcome to Woozylvania!

Gather ‘round Woozens! We want to welcome you to Woozylvania (or as CountWoozula would say,velcome to Voozylvania!)! *practices CountWoozula voice* Zis iz vhere Evil gets scared! Muahahahahah!
What is Woozylvania you ask? It’s a mysterious Horror Photo Reel Festival that travels from Nationz to Nationz and this year, it has stopped in Woozworld! Every October photo reels are submitted to the Woozylvania Horror Movie Festival, voted upon and the winning short films are watched at the end of the month!
For Woozylvania you create a photo reel based on one of these characters: DemonsMummies,Monsters or Ghosts. You can only enter ONE of these categories **VIP: you can enter all 4**. There are different settings you can use: Abandoned SchoolHaunted Theme ParkSpooky Woozworld Offices orCreepy Forest! You can use multiple locations too! All the items will be available in the Woozworld Storeor Shopz!

How to Enter

**NOTE**  You can prepare your Photo Reels but you can’t submit until later in the week!
Create a horror movie using one of the four Woozylvania characters of your choice by creating a 12 picture photo reel. You can see an example by the Woozband here! Remember you use any of the 4 settings (or a combination of them). If you don’t know how to make a Photo Reel, read all about it here!
To submit your photo reel, go to the photo Albumz you saved your Woozylvania Photo Reel photos in. When you have 12 photos in your album, you will be able to submit your album by clicking on the Woozylvania Submit Photo Reel button!


There will be 5 finalists for each category selected by the Woozband and YOU will vote for the winners.
Voting dates are to be announced (keep an eye on Hot Topicz)
The Woozylvania Viewing (winners announced) will be on November 2nd at 6:30PM WT!

Isn't it Awesome?!?!?
Well Im thinking of joining ;)

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